Hoh Rainforest gets more annual rainfall than anywhere in the US, 140-170 inches. To get some perspective, I googled how much average rain Colorado Springs gets in a year. 16 inches. We’ve been to tropical rainforests before so I was expecting big […]
Olympic National Park Arrival
We were up early today as this was the only destination we didn’t have a campsite reserved, which causes a bit of stress as we want to arrive early enough to get a campsite we can fit our motorhome in, but late […]
Fishing, Swimming, Volcano, and Fishing Again
We got our canoe in the water for a few hours on Silver Lake first thing Monday morning. It’s a shallow lake, only 12 feet max depth, and the water temp was 70F. The sun was shining, Mt. St. Helens […]
It wasn’t cobbler…
It was time to move on to the next adventure, so today was really more of a transition day. We wanted to see Mount St Helens, but the closest campground was still over an hour away. We found an RV […]
Wildflower hike to lakes
Our last full day in the park turned out to be a Saturday which is very busy in the summer. There was quite a line up of traffic just to get into the park. What do you know? It was […]
A grave, a hike, and a mountain goat in a parabola
Since we are gone for much of the day time on our own adventures, we try to take Molly out for a walk every morning and every evening when possible. Usually this is just a loop around the campground as […]
Paradise and Grove of the Patriarchs
We had a picture perfect day hiking in Mt. Rainier yesterday. We drove over an hour through stunning trees to the Paradise part of the park, including a Visitor Center and old Inn made completely without nails. We were intending […]
Hello Washington!
We have arrived at Mt. Rainier National Park. We crossed the state line into Washington over the Columbia River and unfortunately the “Welcome to Washington, the Evergreen State” sign was on a bridge with no shoulder to pull over and […]
We love Boise!
Yesterday we went our separate ways on the Boise greenbelt path. Mark rode his bike and I went for a run. The greenbelt paved trail is right at our campground. There are many spots where trees canopy above and shade the trail. Boise […]
Anniversary Day!
It’s a special day for Mandi and I as we celebrate our 17th anniversary! I’m so blessed to have such an amazing woman to share my life with. I love you! Ok, enough of the mushy stuff. We spent last […]